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Common Ground (Fishersville, VA)
We invite you to come out and support the Augusta County Republican Party by participation in our local membership meeting. Hear updates on...
Common Ground (Fishersville, VA)
Common Ground (Fishersville, VA)
We invite you to come out and support the Augusta County Republican Party by participation in our local membership meeting. Hear updates on...
Common Ground (Fishersville, VA)
Common Ground (Fishersville, VA)
We invite you to come out and support the Augusta County Republican Party by participation in our local membership meeting. Hear updates on...
Common Ground (Fishersville, VA)
Resolution for Implementing Hand Counted Paper Ballots
in All Elections in the Commonwealth of Virginia
Whereas Elected officials and candidates at the highest levels of federal government in both poli6cal par6es have
claimed voter fraud was the direct cause for loss of elec6ons for their respec6ve par6es in the presiden6al and mid-term.
elec6ons of 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022; and
Whereas the public percep6on is that voter fraud is real and widespread, thereby developing distrust in the
elec6on results and driving honest ci6zens out of the democra6c process; and
Whereas Electronic vo6ng systems and processes have been iden6fied as a major source for poten6ally fraudulent.
ac6vity and loss of transparency in the vo6ng process; and
Whereas Virginia relies on electronic vo6ng machines to read, record, and total the ballots for individual precincts.
Whereas, Elec6on results have been contested and, in some cases, results have been reversed due to voting.
machine issues, usually called glitches, programming errors, coding mistakes and the like; and
Whereas the simple process of vo6ng, that we did in America for hundreds of years, with hand countng of ballots.
on elec6on night is the best method to prevent our ballots from being digi6zed and allows the People to par6cipate in
tallying and calcula6ng elec6on results; and
Whereas A Virginia state senator has recognized the reality of elec6on altering outcomes associated with the use
of electronic vo6ng processes and has therefore called for hand counted paper ballots; and
Whereas several other developed na6ons use a hand counted paper ballot system instead of voting machines.
Whereas Virginia can be a na6onal example for improving the vo6ng process; now,
Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the Augusta County Republican Commitee.
1. Urges the General Assembly of Virginia to immediately discon6nue all electronic vo6ng and reporting; and
2. Urges the General Assembly of Virginia to ins6tute the use of hand counted paper ballots; and
3. Urges the General Assembly of Virginia to require a bipar6san 100% recount of randomly selected
precincts within thirty (30) days of the elec6on; and
4. Directs the Chairman of the Augusta County Republican Commitee to disseminate copies of this.
resolution to all 6th District Virginia Republican Units with the request that ALL Units endorse it.
Supported and Endorsed by the Augusta County Republican Commi9ee
Copyright © 2018 Augusta County Republican Committee - All Rights Reserved.
Hope to See Everyone at the Next Meeting